It was known long before COVID’S 3-Year outcome that lasting immunity to coronaviruses is problematic. But the vaccines failed to prevent either infection or transmission (despite the politico-biomedical establishment’s rationalizations), they proposed a new clinical endpoint: vaccination will prevent severe disease in many cases. Reasonably true, but not exactly what we expect of a vaccine.
As we saw last week, Western media have provided zero actionable information about the epidemic, and presented neither intellectual nor moral leadership. But one thing the provided generously: criticisms of China’s Covid strategy.
China’s ‘Zero Covid’ Mess Proves Autocracy Hurts Everyone
Months away from Covid’s third anniversary, we can test these allegations by comparing policy outcomes:
- In 2020, China’s GDP grew 2.2%, and America’s shrank 3.4%.
- In 2021, China’s GDP grew 8.1% the US grew 5.7%.
- In 2022, Goldman Sachs says China will grow 3.0%, and the US 1.3%.
- By January, 2023, China will be 13.8% richer, at the cost of 6,834 Covid deaths.
- By January, 2023, the US will be 3.4% better off, at the cost of 1,050,000 Covid deaths.
Long Covid
The US Census Bureau says 16 million adults have long Covid. The 1 in 13 with symptoms lasting three or more months lose $170 billion in wages annually, a loss that will worsen over time “if the United States does not take the necessary policy acons”.
A Wuhan follow-up study found that 68% of Chinese patients had at least one Covid symptom six months after falling ill, and 55% of those reported symptoms like fatigue and muscle weakness after 2-years, and 11% had not returned to work. Apportioned arithmetically, China’s wage losses are 1% of America’s.
Health Indicator
75% of Chinese adults are gainfully employed compared to 62% of Americans, and they also live longer, healthier lives than Americans.